Despre conceptul de sanatate organizationala
Interviu cu Jim Bagnola,
Speaker International si Executive Coach
Varianta originala a interviului, in engleza, o gasiti sub traducerea in romana.
Jim Bagnola este expert in domeniul leadershipului si al body-mind management-ului, cu accent pe influenta modelelor de gandire asupra sanatatii, fericirii, succesului si capacitatii de a conduce.
Obiectivul lui este Building a Professional Human Being. In 2011 a fost lansata cartea sa intitulata “How to Become a Professional Human Being”.
Vice Presedinte in diverse corporatii, Director al universitatilor Akron si Illinois, inclus si in “Top 30 lideri profesionisti din lume”, de catre Leadership Gurus International.
Jim Bagnola este presedintele The Leadership Group International si Presedintele consiliului de adviseri ai LEADERS Romania. Aloca o mare parte din timpul sau pentru AIESEC si este doctor Honoris Causa al USAMV Bucuresti.
Jim, ai o intelegere vasta a leadership-ului si a modului in care companiile trebuie să fie conduse. Identifici liderii nu numai prin prisma capacitatii lor de a conduce, ci si prin emotiile pe care le manifesta ca fiinte umane. In cartea „De profesie OM”, dezvolti aceste idei.
1. Daca am privi organizatia ca o fiinta umana, care sunt cele 3 aspecte esentiale care ar impacta longevitatea si satisfactia oamenilor din companii?
Daca imi permiti, as vrea sa subliniez patru aspecte esentiale care trebuie sa functioneze in armonie si echilibru in interiorul unei organizatii.
Primul este familia. Familia reprezinta in primul rand echipa de Top management; capul organizatiei. Echipa trebuie sa functioneze in stransa legatura si sa fie dedicata atat clientului cat si angajatilor sai. Angajatii deservesc clientii si trebuie sa fie mental in aceeasi directie cu ADN-ul organizatiei. Ca de exemplu, unul dintre clientii mei din Statele Unite se numeste Academia de Sport si Activitati in Aer Liber. O companie similara prezenta in Romania este Decathlon. Au diverse echipamente pentru diferite sporturi. Motto-ul lor este Distractie accesibila in familie. Familia, oamenii din organizatie lucreaza si au parte de un job distractiv, de asemenea ofera preturi accesibile si mai mult, sunt incantati sa intre in legatura cu intreaga familie a clientilor.
Al doilea element este fabricarea. Ce producem. Serviciul sau produsul. In interiorul organizatiei acestea sunt mainile. Acestea sunt procesele care permit organizatiei sa furnizeze serviciul sau produsul in conditii de foarte buna calitate. Aceasta este esenta eticii in munca. Un sentiment de serviciu face ca organizatia sa functioneze fara probleme si creează o afacere durabila.
Al treilea element este Misiunea. Misiunea reprezinta valorile organizatiei si este inima acesteia. Valorile angajatilor trebuie sa rezoneze si sa se imbine cu cele ale organizatiei. Valorile trebuie sa reprezinte esenta angajatilor. De pilda, una dintre cele mai cunoscute companii aeriene din lume are ca simbol o inima si niste aripi, iar motto-ul lor este „Iubim sa zburam”. Misiunea si valorile Southwest sunt: dedicare clientului printr-un serviciu oferit cu un sentiment de caldura, prietenie, mandrie individuala, oferit in spiritul companiei. Sunt dedicati sa ofere angajatilor lor un mediu de lucru stabil cu oportuitati atat de invatare cat si de crestere personala. Daca aceste cuvinte nu ar fi traite de catre un angajat, atunci acesta nu ar lucra acolo.
Elementul numarul patru este Jungla. Aceasta este politica organizatiei. Politica este modalitatea prin care influentam oamenii si folosim puterea. In corpul organizatiei Jungla este reprezentata de picioare.
Unde ne conduc politicile noastre?
In ce directie ne indreptam?
Organizatiile au o minima politica pe care o urmeaza sau sunt universale si auto-distructive?
Intr-un sens negativ, politicile sunt ceea ce oamenii ar putea folosi pentru a influenta decidentii, a se folosi de agende ascunse si a avansa in secret, de cele mai multe ori prejudiciindu-i pe ceilalti.
Cu toate acestea, politicile implica depasirea canalelor obisnuite sanctionate formal pentru a atinge obiectivele si, adesea, in beneficiul tuturor celor implicati. Atunci cand politicile sunt folosite in mod corespunzator, in serviciul obiectivelor valide ale companiei, acestea pot deveni un instrument pozitiv. Un lider de succes face conexiuni valoroase cu persoanele care pot avansa eforturile echipei de a actiona corect. Liderul trebuie sa fie instruit si agil in folosirea puterii si abilității de a-i influenta pe ceilalti. Trebuie sa inspire aceasta atitudine si celorlalti. Organizatia trebuie sa fie minim politizata.
Atmosfera trebuie sa fie prietenoasa. Conflictele vor aparea insa de obicei nu trebuie sa dureze mult. Castigul unei persoane din grup nu este vazut ca esecul alteia. Regulile pot fi incalcate si anumite favoruri pot sa apara, insa membrii oganizatiei se trateaza cu atentie si rareori vor folosi politici ascunse. Aceasta este o forma a unui continuum. Cealalta forma este politizarea patologica. Pentru a evita politizarea patologica, managementul trebuie sa fie constient de cinci moduri de auto-distrugere:
1 – Comportamentul abuziv al managerilor si incalcarea drepturilor angajatilor aflati in pozitii mai joase din punct de vedere ierarhic.
2 - Filtrarea informatiilor: Nimeni nu spune nimic care ar putea deranja, doar se sugereaza un anumita situatie, nu se discuta niciodata direct.
3 - Barfe rautăcioase si dureroase. Criticile din partea persoanelor apropiate sunt comune.
4 - Indiferenta: nimeni nu este apreciat si toata lumea este dispensabila. Acest lucru indica faptul ca managementul superior polueaza organizatia. Este un joc de supravietuire; dominati inainte de a fi dominat.
5 - Dezinformarea: oamenii au tendinta de a da vin ape ceilalti atunci cand ceva nu functioneaza. Nu exista conceptual de lucru in echipa. Managerii sacrifica subordonatii astfel incat sa nu fie ei cei care sunt trasi la raspundere.
Politizarea patologica din interiorul organizatiei va periclita sanatatea si longevitatea acesteia, impreună cu dorinta de a ignora cele trei elemente anterioare.
2. Care sunt simptomele prin care ne putem da seama ca organizatia risca sa se imbolnaveasca?
Interiorul organizatie se imbolnaveste prin managementul defectuos. Ar trebui sa va puneti urmatoarele intrebari, care sa va ajute sa evaluati gradul in care organizatia din care faceti parte este politizata.
Este atmosfera amicabila sau distructiva?
Aveti o forta de munca productiva sau conflictele ingreuneaza progresul?
Angajatii din rolurile inferioare sunt apreciati sau nu de clienti?
Opiniile angajatilor care sunt cel mai aproape de clienti sunt ignorate?
Aspiram la o imbunatatire continua a producului, serviciului sau procesului pe care il dezvoltam? Traim valorile organizatiei sau sunt doar niste cuvinte?
Stim diferenta dintre a trai o valoare si a aspira la una?
Fiti constienti de cele cinci cai mentionate anterior, care pot conduce la imbolnavirea organizatiei si incercati sa le opriti din stadiile incipiente.
3. Care sunt cele mai importante cauze ale blocajelor din organizatii?
Foarte simplu spus, micromanagementul unui manager de top sau al mai multor manageri este una dintre cauzele cele mai importante de blocaj, un micromanager va fi intodeauna ocupat si nu va reusi sa se ocupe eficient de proiecte impreuna cu persoanele din subordine. Un micromanager va dori sa stie tot, sa supervizeze tot, sa discute orice detaliu inainte ca oricine sa faca o miscare. Ar trebui sa existe un echilibru intrucat oamenii pot sa cada in doua extreme- micromanagement pe de-o parte sau adoptarea unui stil de management indiferent, neimplicat. Varianta de mijloc este ceea ce eu numesc Participare Activa. Leader-ul participa la decizii intr-un mod flexibil si comunica atunci cand este cazul ca oamenii sa se implice mai mult, ce proiecte trebuie decise impreuna si unde angajatii pot lua decizii autonome.
Comunicarea este cheia. Angajatii trebuie sa stie cand au putere absoluta de decizie, cand aceasta este limitata sau cand nu au nicio putere de decizie. Este un proces de clarificare a asteptarilor.
4. Cum se mentine o organizatie agila, flexibila, deschisa spre evolutie?
Daca ne gandim la fiecare angajat in mod individual vom observa ca persoanele multumite de ele insele vor fi cele mai creative , inovative si flexibile. Au grija de ele din puncte de vedere emotional si deci si de nivelul de stres, care este de fapt cel mai mare inamic al creativitatii si inovatiei. La fel se intampla si in cadrul unei organizatii. Atmosfera este una relaxata dar alerta, calma dar competitiva, cu grad redus sau inexistent de stres dar constienta sau, dimpotriva, se lucreaza dezordonat, sub lupa unui stres continuu. Atmosfera organizationala este data de catre management, asa cum un capitan da tonul unei echipe de fotbal. Starea de creativitate si inovare este o stare de asertivitate calma; alerta, concentrata, dar calma. Organizatiile care isi doresc sa mentina aceasta atmosfera trebuie sa se foloseasca de diverse mijloace pentru a gestiona stresul, precum meditatia transcendentala si programele bazate pe stiinta, care atenueaza stresul si sporesc creativitatea si capacitatea cu minim efort. Multi dintre clientii mei inteleg nevoia de reducere a stresului si de consolidare a capacitatilor. Exercitiul, dieta, meditatia, somnul adecvat, hidratarea adecvata, nutritia echilibrata sunt modalitati fundamentale de a mentine individul flexibil și inovator si implicit organizatia sanatoasa. Organizatiile care pun accentul pe gestionarea energiei vor avea in scurt timp un avantaj strategic.
5. Exista aceasta perceptie cand se vorbeste despre lideri inspirationali si cu impact ca sunt un fel de eroi, un fel de roboti care nu au voie sa greseasca.
Uitam ca liderii sunt in primul rand oameni. Uneori sefi care au putere si statut, alteori manageri inspirati, antreprenori vizionari. Oameni care au emotii si aspiratii, lumini si umbre. Cu maratoane castigate legendar si curse pierdute.
Cum vedeti dumneavoastra un lider cu impact in sanatatea organizationala a companiilor? Care inspira pe cei din jur?
Exista multe mituri despre cum ar trebui sa arate un leader. Studiile arata ca liderii autentici care sunt imperfecti, care fac greseli, le admit, cei care demonstreaza modestie, sunt transparenti, integri, asculta opiniile altora, acorda credentiale atunci cand este cazul , demonstreaza echilibru intre competenta, confidenta si modestie, cei carora le pasa de cei de langa ei, care recompenseaza munca sunt cei care ii inspira pe si sunt urmati de ceilalti.
6. Care este reteta personala pentru a deveni „ De profesie OM”?
Este o rugaminte pentru mine si pentru toti cei care citesc aceste randuri. Incercati sa va folositi magia data de Dumnezeu, talentul, sa fiti cei mai buni in ceea ce alegeti sa faceti, sa fiti in slujba celorlalti, sa faceti diferenta in vietile lor si in a voastra, cu un ultim scop de a deveni auto-suficienti din punct de vedere financiar. Cred ca aceasta este menirea noastra spirituala. Trebuie sa descoperim potentialul pe care Dumnezeu ni l-a dat, atingand varful piramidei lui Maslow numit Autoimplinire. Presupune viata traita 200% cu 100% implinire materiala atingand 100% implinirea spirituala. Aceasta inseamna satisfactie.
Jim, you have a comprehensive understanding of leadership and the way in which companies need to be led. You see leaders not only in terms of their management&leadership abilities, but also through the emotions they manifest as human beings. In the book Becoming a Professional Human Being you develop these perspectives.
If we look at the organization as a human being, what are the three essential aspects that would affect the longevity and satisfaction of the people in the companies?
If I may I would identify four essential aspects that need to operate in harmony and balance in the body of an organization.
The first is the family. The family is first the top management team; the head of the body. It must operate as a partnership and be dedicated to work both for the customer and for the employees. The employees work for the customer. They must be mentally in unison with the DNA of the organization. As an example, one of my clients in the United States is called Academy Sports and Outdoors. A similar company in Romania is Decathalon. They have all sorts of athletic equipment and sports products. Their DNA is Affordable Family Fun. The family, the people in the organization must enjoy the work so much that it is fun, they offer prices that are affordable and love to deal with the entire customer family.
The second element is the factory. What we produce. The service or the product. In the body of the organization these are the hands. These are the processes that enable the organization to deliver the highest quality service or product. This is the essence of the work ethic. A sense of service makes the factory run smoothly and creates a sustainable business.
The third element is Church. The Church houses the values of the organization. In the body of the organization this is the heart. The employees values must resonate and match the values of the organization. The values must be flowing in the spirit of the employees. One of the most successful airlines in the world has a logo with a heart and wings. The branding is ”We love to Fly.” The mission and values are: The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit. We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth.
If this isn’t something one could live on the job this airline would not be the place to work for that individual.
Element number four is the Jungle. This is the politics of the organization. Politics are how we influence people and use power. In the body of the organization this would be the feet.
6. What is your personal recipe in Becoming a Professional Human Being?
It is a prayer for myself and all who read this. Perform your God given Magic, your God given talents, Being the Best at what you choose to do, In service of others, Making a Positive Difference in their lives and your own, while becoming financially self-sufficient. I believe this is our spiritual quest. We must unfold the potential God has given us reaching Maslow’s pyramid pinnacle called Self-Actualization. It is living 200% of life acheiving 100% material gain on the goal line of life while acheiving 100% on the Soul line. This is called Satisfaction.
Anca Gheorghiu,
Managing Partner,
Business Coach & Trainer @Markant Consult,
Ambasador @GreatHRs.
Ai pornit Veeam de la zero in Romania si in 4 ani, a ajuns o poveste de succes.
7.Poate fi replicat „visul american” si in Romania? Care este povestea din spatele acestei
Absolut! Trebuie doar sa gasesti ingredientele potrivite. Cred ca exista loc pentru orice fel de companie, atata timp cat stabilesti nisa, diferentiatorii si intelegi modul de lucru diferit. Sa nu dam copy-paste, ci sa adaptam la contextul local. Avem oameni nu capabili, ci foarte capabili. Si nu ma refer doar la cei tineri. Sunt oameni cu experienta care s-au
adaptat foarte bine noului sistem si e pacat sa nu-i folosim.
Where are our politics leading us?
What direction are we going in?
Does the organization have minimal politics or are they all pervasive and self-destructive?
In a negative sense politics could be what people do to influence decision makers, accomplish hidden agendas, and secretly advance their careers often to the detriment of others.
However, politics involves going outside usual formally sanctioned channels to accomplish objectives and often to the benefit to all involved. When politics are used appropriately in the service of valid company goals politics can become a positive tool. The successful team leader makes valuable connections with people who can advance the team’s efforts is acting politically. The leader must be politically savvy and agile in the use of power and ability to influence others. She must model this for others. The organization must be minimally politicized.
The atmosphere must be amicable. Conflicts occur but are rare and usually do not last long. There is an absence of in and out groups. One person’s gain is not seen as another’s loss.
Rules may be bent and favors granted but people treat each other with regard and rarely use underhanded political means. This is one end of a continuum. The other end of the continuum is a pathologically politicized. In order to avoid political pathology management must be aware of five ways to self-destruction:
Frequent flattery of those managers in power and abuse of people in lower level positions
Information filtering: No one says anything that may rock the boat and the common means of communication is hint and suggestion but never direct communication
Malicious and hurtful gossip. Backstabbing is common
Cold indifference: no one is valued and everyone is dispensable. This indicates that upper management has polluted the environment. It is a survival game; get others before they get you.
Misinformation: people even departments mislead others in order to look good when they fail. Teamwork is absent. Managers sacrifice subordinate’s careers so that they don’t look bad.
Political Pathology in the body of the organization will shorten the health and longevity of the organization along with the willingness to ignore the previous three elements.
2. What are the symptoms through which we can realize that the organization is at risk of getting sick?
The organizational body get ill through Management Malpractice. Ask the following questions. Assess the degree to which your organization is politicized.
Is the atmosphere amicable or distrustful?
s the workforce productive or does conflict prevent work from getting done?
Are lower level employees who are closest to the customer being appreciated or not?
Are the opinions of those closest to the customer being ignored?
Are we on a path of continuous improvement when it comes to product, service or process? Are we living our values or are they just wall plaques?
Do we know the difference between living a value and aspirational values?
Be aware of the five ways that lead to disease in the organization and nip them in the bud: they are flattery towards upper management, misleading information, malicious gossip, indifference, and cutthroat attitudes.
3. What are the most important causes of organisation's bottlenecks?
Very simply put the micromanagement of a top manager or a few top managers is the biggest cause of bottlenecks. Everybody waits around for the top manager to get to their project but the micro-manager is overloaded. The top manager wants to touch everything, see everything, discuss everything before anyone can make a move. There must be a balance. One end of the continuum is micro-management and the other end of the continuum is abdicate, a hands off style of management. The middle way I call Active Participation. The leader participates in a flexible way communicating when engagement is needed and in what projects we need to decide together and when total autonomy is permitted and appropriate. Communication concerning what total empowerment is versus, limited empowerment, versus no power to decide at all. It is a expectation clarification process.
4. How to maintain an agile, flexible, innovative organization?
If you consider the individual employee you notice that the most creative, innovative and flexible individual is at peace within herself. She takes care of her physiology and therefore stress levels. Stress is the big enemy of creativity and innovation. The same thing occurs within the body of an organization. Is the atmosphere relaxed but alert, calm but competitive, stress- free but alert and aware or is it in disarray under the weight of heavy stress. The organizational atmosphere is guided by top management like a captain on a football pitch. The state of creativity and innovation is a state of calm assertiveness; alert, focused but calm. Organizations today wanting to maintain this atmosphere must make some form of stress management technologies like Transcendental Meditation and science based programs which alleviate stress and increase creativity and capacity in an effortless way. Many of my clients understand the need for stress reduction and capacity building. Exercise, diet, meditation, adequate sleep, proper hydration, balanced nutrition are fundamental ways to keep the individual flexible and innovative and the organization healthy. Organizations who emphasize managing Energy not only time will have a strategic advantage.
5. There is a perception when it comes to inspiring leaders: they are sort of „heroes”, kind of robots that are not allowed to make any mistakes.
We forget that leaders are first and foremost people. Sometimes „bosses” with power and status, sometimes inspired managers, visionary entrepreneurs. These leaders have also emotions and aspirations, lights and shadows. With legendary marathons won and also races they have lost.
How do you see a leader with an impact on organizational health? A leader that inspire others?
There are many myths about what a leader should be. The research is showing that authentic leaders who are imperfect, who make mistakes, admit mistakes, course correct , demonstrate humility, are transparent, have integrity, listen to the opinions of her followers, follow her associates when appropriate, apologize when it is needed, share or give away the credit, demonstrate a balance between competence, confidence and humility , care about the lives of their associates, reward great work, compensate fairly, and tell the truth are inspiring to others and are followed by others.